May 23, 2020
To the PRoXe community,
PRoXe has now migrated to the cBioPortal platform. We implemented this change to enable important functionality, scalability, and integration with other clinical-genomic data sets.
To see the most current PRoXe data, register for a cBioPortal account here. Note that a Gmail account is required.
The legacy PRoXe Shiny app will remain accessible until May 1, 2025 but will not receive updates.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at cBioPortal.
The PRoXe Team
01 / SIGN UP
In order to view the data portal, click here to sign up.
We will then review your request and send you an invitation to a second signup for the app-hosting platform, shinyapps.io, after which you will be able to access the app here.
To learn more about PRoXe, click here.
For a tutorial of how to navigate the site, please visit this brief video tutorial.

PRoXe is an open-source website designed to disseminate information relevant to patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), and particularly PDXs generated from patients with leukemia or lymphoma. The site and repository were developed by the Weinstock Laboratory through philanthropic funds and published in April 2016 (Townsend et al. Cancer Cell 2016). A subset of PDXs hosted on PRoXe are available for distribution through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Xenograft (LLX) core laboratory we established at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI).
1. Single vial of viably frozen cells
2. Multiple vials of viably frozen cells
- Under most circumstances, we are currently unable to immediately provide multiple frozen vials of individual lines due to a lack of adequate frozen stocks. Providing multiple vials may require expansion within 1 or more mice, which we can perform to meet individual requests.
3. Fresh cells obtained from one or more engrafted mice
1. Academic Research Laboratories
- The lab that acquires vial(s) and/or fresh cells has rights to expand, modify & bank. It does not have rights to transfer these products or any derivatives to any other lab, academic institution, or industrial partner.
2. Industry
- Industry-use vials and fresh cells are for one-time use only, either in vitro or in vivo.
in case you like reading: about PRoXe
PRoXe is an open-source website designed to disseminate information relevant to patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) and particularly PDXs from patients with leukemia or lymphoma. The repository was developed by the Weinstock Laboratory and published in April, 2016 (Townsend et al. Cancer Cell 2016). A subset of PDXs on PRoXe are available for distribution through the Leukemia/Lymphoma Xenograft (LLX) Core Laboratory established at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Some of the PDXs hosted on PRoXe can be distributed by the LLX Core to academic and industry investigators. Limitations range from patient approval to contributing institution restrictions that prohibit Dana-Farber from distributing PDXs derived from outside patients.
We actively encourage outside institutions to adopt the open-source model and ask that you convey the importance of open access to your own institution. We can provide contact information for investigators at centers outside of Dana-Farber who may be able to facilitate access for some lines that are currently restricted.
The LLX Core operates as a cost-neutral core according to NCI rules and does not generate profit. As a result, prices may change over time inversely proportional to volume. We believe our current pricing will allow academic laboratories to acquire large numbers of PDXs within their disease(s) of interest.
After gaining access, investigators are free to review line- and disease-level data and can find links to download raw genomics data. Investigators can then request individual lines in multiple formats by completing a specimen request form. We ask for a brief description of the studies planned for these lines to track usage – this information will be included in the MTA. We do not select investigators, projects, areas of interest or other criteria for distribution. Available vials are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
PDX lines are currently available in the following formats:
Single vial of viably frozen cells
Multiple vials of viably frozen cells – Under most circumstances, we are currently unable to immediately provide multiple frozen vials of individual lines due to a lack of adequate frozen stocks.
Providing multiple vials may require expansion within one or more mice, which we can perform to meet individual requests. Expansion in a single mouse can generate between 5-500 million cells depending on the line. -
Fresh cells obtained from one or more engrafted mice – Fresh cells will require expansion within one or more mice.
Once the request is received and approved, we will generate a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) request from the DFCI Office of Innovation that is forwarded to the Institutional Officer designated in your request. Because of the very large number of requests, the MTA is non-negotiable (like MTAs with Addgene or ATCC) and has specific restrictions:
Academic Research Laboratories – like cell lines acquired from non-profit resources (e.g. ATCC or RIKEN), the individual laboratory that acquires the vial(s) and/or fresh cells has rights to expand, modify and bank. They DO NOT have rights to transfer these products or any derivatives generated from it to any other laboratory, academic institution or industrial partner. The line and/or fresh cells may be used for industry-sponsored research performed in direct collaboration with the purchasing laboratory the line within the purchasing laboratory or a designated core laboratory at that academic institution. In an effort to maximize the use of these lines, DFCI does not retain intellectual property on inventions made with these PDXs or their derivatives, but does not allow for distribution or transfer.
Industry – vials and fresh cells can be shipped to industry investigators for one time use only, either in vitro or in vivo. There are no rights to modify the lines, to bank cells after in vitro or in vivo passage, to expand the lines in any way or to transfer the lines to either academic or industry investigators. Industry investigators wishing to discuss more extensive in vivo studies or in-license of lines should contact PRoXe.
*For all other potential users (academic core laboratories, educators, etc.) please contact PRoXe to discuss any ideas or possible model sharing.
Once the MTA is approved by both institutions and billing information is confirmed, plans for shipping will be finalized by email between the requesting Investigator and LLX Core personnel. Tracking information will be provided and billing will not occur until shipping. We will arrange for shipping through FedEx or DHL.